Thursday 7 April 2011

QTP - Getting current browser URL

I'm going to show and explain how to get current URL which is opened in a browser.
For example, how to get URL "" from the following browser:

There are two solutions:
  1. Using GetROProperty("URL") method (run-time object property)
  2. Using "URL" property of "Object" (IE DOM Object)
Let's consider both variants.

  1. GetRoProperty("URL") method (run-time object property)

    function reads properties of a run-time object in an application.
    If you open QTP Help on GetRoProperty function, you 'll see that this function can work with all objects:
    So, for example:
    • to check whether a link is visible or not, use:
    • to get a page's title, use:
    • to check whether a window is maximized, use:
    • to get width of WebButton, use:
    Others properties are described in QTP Help.

    In our case, to get URL of the current WebPage, we will use:
    This is a sample QTP script:
    (Click the image to enlarge it)

  2. "URL" property of "Object" (IE DOM Object)

    The sample syntax is:


    What is "Object" in the above statement?

    Actually, this is Internet Explorer Document Object Model (DOM) Object.
    You can read more about DOM here and here.
    Also, I recommend to read this interested article on working with IE DOM from Visual Basic.

    You can use DOM Object when running QTP test on Internet Explorer only!

    To make the long story short, I can say that using Object property you can get almost all elements and properties from Web page.

    Thus, I use URL property of Internet Explorer's DOM Object.
    All properties, collections, and methods of DOM Object are described in this MSDN article.

    The number of properties, accessed via DOM Object, is more bigger, than properties accessed via GetROProperty method.

    So, the result of above code is:
    (Click the image to enlarge it)
Two ways were discussed:
  1. GetROProperty("URL") (run-time object property)
  2. "URL" property of "Object" (IE DOM Object)
GetROProperty method supports both IE & FireFox, but IE DOM Object provides more accessible properties and methods.
Both can get URL of the current Web page.



QPT said...

A very good detailed explanation with examples.

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