Thursday 7 April 2011

QTP - Getting current browser URL

I'm going to show and explain how to get current URL which is opened in a browser.
For example, how to get URL "" from the following browser:

There are two solutions:
  1. Using GetROProperty("URL") method (run-time object property)
  2. Using "URL" property of "Object" (IE DOM Object)
Let's consider both variants.

  1. GetRoProperty("URL") method (run-time object property)

    function reads properties of a run-time object in an application.
    If you open QTP Help on GetRoProperty function, you 'll see that this function can work with all objects:
    So, for example:
    • to check whether a link is visible or not, use:
    • to get a page's title, use:
    • to check whether a window is maximized, use:
    • to get width of WebButton, use:
    Others properties are described in QTP Help.

    In our case, to get URL of the current WebPage, we will use:
    This is a sample QTP script:
    (Click the image to enlarge it)

  2. "URL" property of "Object" (IE DOM Object)

    The sample syntax is:


    What is "Object" in the above statement?

    Actually, this is Internet Explorer Document Object Model (DOM) Object.
    You can read more about DOM here and here.
    Also, I recommend to read this interested article on working with IE DOM from Visual Basic.

    You can use DOM Object when running QTP test on Internet Explorer only!

    To make the long story short, I can say that using Object property you can get almost all elements and properties from Web page.

    Thus, I use URL property of Internet Explorer's DOM Object.
    All properties, collections, and methods of DOM Object are described in this MSDN article.

    The number of properties, accessed via DOM Object, is more bigger, than properties accessed via GetROProperty method.

    So, the result of above code is:
    (Click the image to enlarge it)
Two ways were discussed:
  1. GetROProperty("URL") (run-time object property)
  2. "URL" property of "Object" (IE DOM Object)
GetROProperty method supports both IE & FireFox, but IE DOM Object provides more accessible properties and methods.
Both can get URL of the current Web page.


Wednesday 6 April 2011

quotes in VBScript

There two ways to do that:
  1. Double the quotes (""):
    MsgBox "#1: ""QTP - QuickTest Professional"""
    Use 2 double quotation marks to include a quote character in the string.
    So, the result is:

  2. Use ANSI character code - Chr(34):
    MsgBox "#2: " & Chr(34) & "QTP - QuickTest Professional" & Chr(34)
    Since, the ANSI code if quotation mark = 34, we can use Chr function.
    The result is:

Tuesday 5 April 2011

How to set/get system time and date?

QTP allows running different types of test. And sometimes, it needs perform time and date manipulations on a computer. In this article, I will show and explain - how to get system time/date and change them.

Actually, today's lecture consists of two questions:
  1. How to get system time and date?
  2. How to set system time and date?
Let start training right now :)
So, the first section is:

How to get system time and date?

Actually, this is not difficult task! Use the following functions:
  • Now - function returns the current date and time according to the setting of your computer's system date and time.
  • Date - function returns the current system date.
  • Time - function returns a Variant of subtype Date indicating the current system time.
So, the code is very simple. I provide it with a screen shot containing results:

Well, let's deal with the second section:

How to set system time and date?

For that, I will use simple DOS commands:
  • time - this command displays or sets the system time:
    To change the time, pass it as a parameter to time command. See the above screen shot as an example.

  • date - this command displays or sets the system date:
    To change the date, pass it as a parameter to date command. See the above screen shot as an example for date manipulations :)
Now, I will combine all the above VBScript functions (Now, Date, Time) and DOC commands (time and date):

As you can see, initial date and time were '26.10.2007 22:45:10'. Then I added 3 days and 2 hours to initial date & time. The result of addition is - '30.10.2007 0:45:10'.

By the way, could you guess, why the result day is 30th, not 29th? :) To answer, please pay attention that we added 2 hours too :)

The last step - running of time and date commands from command line. I used Run method of WScript.Shell object.

So, as you can see - date and time manipulation is easy enough.

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